Thicket of Noise

Thicket of Noise, 2008
My work explores time and how it gives structure to our lives.

I began by recording how my days were spent... down to the minute. 1,440 equal-sized pieces of polystyrene were cut-each representing one minute-and I created a collage about a day in my life.

As the work progressed I became more abstract. In some pieces, each minute is represented and in other pieces the focus is on the emotions of a specific hour or period of the day. Soon, the three-dimensional collages became printing plates, used on both paper and canvas. In my newest work the imagery reflects the frenetic pace of contemporary life. The minutes are all the same "length", but they spread out in crazy directions. My images are scattered and disjointed, a plethora of stuff fills the page. Other compositions are clump-like piles. My inspiration comes directly from the demands of my day.

I reuse polystyrene packaging from supermarkets in my collages because it relates to my domestic life and is a symbol of the waste in our lives. The daily cycle of shopping, preparing, cleaning up is an integral part of my day. I like finding a second use for ordinary materials most people would view as garbage.